Health READY® is a skills-based health curriculum providing student learning experiences to deepen their knowledge, attitudes, and skills using a variety of participatory methods. Health READY® personalizes instruction for all learners by providing a variety of “student choice and voice” assignments aligned with national and state health education standards.
Our digital health education courses for grades 6 through high school accommodate in-person, hybrid, or remote learning settings. Courses include relevant lessons, activities, assignments and resources for up to 90 days of instruction per grade level.
Health READY ® digital health education courses can be fully integrated into a district's learning management system (LMS) via WELNET® to provide an equitable and viable curriculum for all health teachers.
The FIVE FOR LIFE PROGRAM® curriculum and supporting materials are designed for K-12 Physical Education teachers. This program is aligned K-12 so students learn the content in a progressive manner. All instructional units are activity based so movement time is not compromised. The Five for Life Programs include the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Curriculum, Nutrition Manual and Kit, Circuit Training Manual and Kit and the Student Portfolio Series.
The FAB 5® Programs are designed for activity leaders and teachers to deliver fitness, nutrition and health concepts in a fun and motivating environment. These programs are aligned with the Five for Life program so there is consistency in vocabulary and content wherever students are active. The FAB 5® Programs include the After School Program, Physical Activity Program, Early Learner Fitness, Classroom Activity Breaks and the PEACE Program.