The FIVE FOR LIFE PROGRAM® is an articulated, evidence-based, K-12 curriculum aligned with SHAPE America National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Our curriculum provides a resource for Physical Education teachers to deliver a comprehensive program that includes fitness, nutrition and health academic content, intentionial fitness and motor skill development. By using age-appropriate academic instructional units in an activity-based setting, the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced curriculums move students through a continuum of learning without compromising activity time.
Deliver fitness and health concepts through fun, engaging and meaningful activities. Students will exit with a firm understanding of the Five Components of Fitness and their connection to overall health.
Unveil the FITT Principle, systems of the body, fitness related activities and behavior logs. Students are taught how to apply the FITT Principle to the Five Components of Fitness and to their personal lives.
Introduce training principles and utilizes behavior logs which allow students to research how personal habits affect health, performance and appearance. Students apply knowledge of the Five Components of Fitness and training principles to design a fitness plan based on individual goals.