The Intermediate curriculum introduces students in grades 6-8 to the FITT Principle and its relationship to the Five Components of Health-Related Fitness. Building on concepts introduced in the Basic curriculum, students are able to apply knowledge to their personal lives through the use of behavior logs. Students gain an understanding of how to effectively manage their personal fitness and health by using age-appropriate, innovative activities. These activity-based lessons also give students the opportunity to improve motor skills. The FIVE FOR LIFE Program® Intermediate includes a manual (500+ pages and 19 instructional units) and online access to printable teaching materials.
The Intermediate curriculum progresses so students in grades 6-8 are able to move to higher level concepts and understand the relationship between their fitness and long-term health. This knowledge encourages students to begin to manage their personal fitness and health. Concepts are taught through the use of instructional units that contain:
The Intermediate curriculum (500+ pages and 19 instructional units) introduces students to the FITT Principle and its relationship to the Five Components of Health-Related Fitness. Includes hard copy manual and electronic curriculum format through WELNET (our internet-based software) with searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials.
The Intermediate curriculum (500+ pages and 19 instructional units) introduces students to the FITT Principle and its relationship to the Five Components of Health-Related Fitness. Includes hard copy manual and online access to printable teaching materials.
The Intermediate curriculum (500+ pages and 19 instructional units) introduces students to the FITT Principle and its relationship to the Five Components of Health-Related Fitness. This electronic curriculum format through WELNET (our internet-based software) includes a searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials.
The Five for Life Intermediate Teacher Kit is a comprehensive set of teaching materials to deliver fitness and health content. The kit includes hard copy of Intermediate Manual, Circuit Training Kit, Nutrition Kit and a series of videos. Plus, electronic curriculum format through WELNET (our internet-based software) of Intermediate Manual, Circuit Training Handbook, Nutrition Handbook, searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials.
The Five for Life Intermediate Teacher Kit is a comprehensive set of teaching materials to deliver fitness and health content. The kit includes an Intermediate Manual, online access to printable teaching materials, Circuit Training Kit, Nutrition Kit and a series of videos.
The Intermediate Teacher Kit is a comprehensive set of teaching materials to deliver fitness and health content. This kit includes the electronic curriculum format through WELNET (our internet-based software) of Intermediate Manual, Circuit Training Handbook, Nutrition Handbook, searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials. These hard goods will be shipped: Nutrition Cards, Circuit Training Cards, InfoCube and InfoCards.