FIVE FOR LIFE® Fitness Curriculum materials have been designed to provide teachers with practical and relevant teaching practices to increase students’ fitness through a variety of fitness activities including functional training and circuits. The FIVE FOR LIFE® Fitness Curriculum materials are aligned with FIVE FOR LIFE® Physical Education Curriculum but can also be used independently. The Circuit Training Handbook, Circuit Training Cards and Videos provide a progression of content appropriate for all students in grades K-12.
The Circuit Training Kit provides teachers with activities and resources needed to improve the fitness of students using sound training principles and best practices. Included is a handbook containing essential information on circuit implementation and design as well as 46 predesigned circuits in seven categories. In addition, 65 laminated Circuit Training Cards provide detailed instruction of exercises and body composition concepts.
The FIVE FOR LIFE® Video Series provide teachers an additional resource in helping students understand and apply fitness training principles including performing exercises safely with proper technique.